Raymond Namyst

Research Activities

Main research interests

  • Runtime Systems for heterogeneous manycore architectures
  • Parallel Languages for manycore architectures
  • Resource negociation and scheduling over hieararchical, heterogeneous architectures

Ph.D. Supervision

List of current and former Ph.D. students.


Contribution to Open Industry Standards

Recent R&D Projects

Recent Program Committees

  • SC'24
  • PPAM'24
  • HeteroPar'23
  • HeteroPar'22
  • PPAM'22
  • HeteroPar'21
  • SC'21 (Track Chair)
  • HeteroPar'20
  • RADR'20
  • SC'19
  • CCGRID'19
  • ISC'19
  • HIPC'19
  • ICCS'19
  • PPAM'19
  • SC'18
  • Euro MPI'18
  • SC Asia'18
  • IPDPS'18